Living Lab

East-West bicycle street Schöneberg

On the way to the bicycle city Berlin

In June 2019, the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district council in Berlin decided to upgrade the important east-west connection in the heart of the borough via Fritz-Elsas-Strasse, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Strasse, Belziger Strasse, Erdmannstrasse, Langenscheidtstrasse and Monumentenstrasse as a bicycle road. This connection is the most important bicycle traffic axis between the districts of Kreuzberg, Schöneberg and Wilmersdorf. So far, no design has been implemented, but this is demanded by parts of civil society. Among other things, the network “Fahrradfreundliches Tempelhof-Schöneberg” complains that existing car traffic and the distribution of space, especially in favor of parked cars, makes cycling very unsafe, especially for children. The network is also involved locally, for example with art actions and children’s festivals on the Langenscheidbrücke.

The goal of the Living Lab is to deepen the existing interaction of participating residents, and to offer spaces of possibility with accompanying scientific research as well as to support a creative inclusive implementation.

Thematic approaches:
#living lab #transformation #society

Spatial approaches:
#fair streetscape layout #neighborhood #child-friendly public space

Methodological accesses:
#mapping #documentation #citizen* participation,

Contact: + TU Berlin (Chair Sustainability Economics of Human Settlements) – Dr. Felix Creutzig

Possible cooperation partners Network bicycle-friendly Tempelhof-Schöneberg

East-West bicycle street Schöneberg