In this section we publish relevant documentation and publications on transdisciplinarity, living labs, transformative research and teaching. In the media library you will find video and audio formats. Please contact us if you would like to distribute or receive information.
Video: Research Forum City and climate/ living labs + SummerSchool CityLab.
StadtManufaktur Berlin developed challenges on city & climate as part of the Summerschool 2020 ( of CityLab Berlin. Questions on #infrastructure development and #climatic resilience and on #data and #digitisation were prepared for this in the inner-city real laboratory on blue-green infrastructure ( and as hands-on research. Students from Berlin’s universities of applied sciences and universities worked on the questions methodically and experimentally in Berlin’s urban space in Kreuzberg and Tempelhof-Schöneberg. In parallel, we asked experts and laypersons how they imagine #infrastructure development and #climatic resilience now and in the future, how they contribute and would like to contribute, who is also involved and should be involved in shaping it in the future. Discuss and shape with us!
Video: Research Forum City and climate | Desired futures for the Charlottenburg Campus | 4 Perspectives
There is pressure for change at the Charlottenburg Campus: mobility, buildings, infrastructure and also daily social life are changing and need common visions and strategies. How do we deal with changes caused by climate change, for example? On 19.11. and 26.11.2020, two digital workshops took place on the question “Desired futures: How do we want to shape a sustainable Charlottenburg Campus together?” took place as part of the Research Forum City and Climate. In the run-up to the workshops, four film interviews were conducted on perspectives on the location. They included District Councillor for Urban Development, Building and the Environment Oliver Schruoffeneger, landscape architect Prof. Cordula Loidl-Reisch, the Chancellor of the TU Berlin, Lars Oeverdieck, and Regine Kiepert, owner of the Schropp travel bookshop on Hardenbergstraße. The interviews were conducted by Dr. Gerrit Rößler from the Present Futures Forum of the TU Berlin, the videographic support was provided by Thomas Lemmer, and the content was conceived by the team of the Research Forum City and Climate. The Research Forum was initiated by the Transdisciplinarity Department of the Technische Universität Berlin as a contribution to the Berlin University Alliance.
Video: What is a living lab

Transformative innovation lab
Handbook for facilitating student reallab projects to promote transformative and transdisciplinary competences The handbook shows how a Transformative Innovation Lab can train change agents and initiate change processes through its own transdisciplinary and transformative research and innovation project. Accordingly, the handbook contains a theoretical classification and contextualisation of sustainability and education as well as reallabs and transformative research, detailed insights into our project as well as a detailed description of all building blocks with their respective contents, learning objectives, recommendations for didactic implementation and possible formats as well as a step-by-step description of the implementation and realisation processes of a TIL, including numerous tips and tricks – from suggestions for integration into curricula, to planning and preparation of the TIL, to learnings from implementation, for example on peer learning, the use of a simulation game or the integration of topics such as role understanding, ethics or personality development.

Handbook Transdisciplinary Didactics
What exactly is a living lab? How does service learning work? What are the purposes of internships, citizen science and dual studies? This handbook explains central concepts of the recent science-theoretical debate in their impact on higher education teaching and educational perspectives. In this way, transdisciplinarity opens up as a comprehensive innovation process in response to the major global challenges of our time – such as climate change, urbanisation or migration. A practical reference work for students, teachers and all those who want to understand the profound changes in higher education in the course of transformative science.