Living Lab

New Mobility Berlin

How do we want to be on the road tomorrow?

Since 2016, the project consortium NEUE MOBILITÄT BERLIN (NMB) has been working on constructive answers to the question of how we as citizens want to get around in our neighborhoods in the future. As a transdisciplinary research and practice project, it tries to make the population conscious and able to experience the many facets of new mobility offers as well as alternative uses of urban parking space.

As an example for Berlin, NMB is researching the mobility needs of residents in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, especially on the Mierendorff-INSEL, and is developing solutions and approaches together with them. The team consists of the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district office, the Berliner Agentur für Elektromobilität eMO, the Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (ZTG/TU Berlin), UG and the BMW Group. Other actors and stakeholders have been and will be involved. In the future, the findings will be extended to the entire Berlin metropolitan area.

Provided that local actors – especially members of civil society, politics and administration – actively participate in the development process, several place-based approaches to promote smart and more sustainable forms of local mobility have been jointly developed so far: These included, for example, discussion formats with different groups of participants, various ways of media information and communications, the joint testing of new forms of mobility, the temporary installation and use of a parklet, the installation of temporary parking spaces for carsharing vehicles in areas with high parking pressure and correspondingly low carsharing availability, networking – and as well as the “SOMMERFLOTTE”.

The aim of the “(YOUR) SOMMER FLOTTE” campaign is to increase awareness of the extensive alternatives to owning a car which exist in Berlin and to provide impulses for multimodal mobility beyond owning a car. Despite the intense media attention for sharing mobility, it is still a niche with a market share of 2% nationwide compared to private car ownership. The offer in Berlin is developing very dynamically, but i.e., in capital approximately 4,000 car sharing vehicles are competing with 1.2 million private cars. This demonstrates that many potential target groups have not yet been reached by the new services.

Many people still own a car, even if it is rarely used: Most car owners in Berlin already use other means of transportation besides their own car in their daily lives. For many, multimodal mobility without owning a car would therefore no longer be a big step, if the alternatives would be attractive enough.

Thematic approaches:
#SustainableMobility #Transformation #Society.

Spatial accesses:
#MierendorffIsland #Berlin

Methodological accesses:
#co-creation #experiment #quantitative&qualitative survey

Link to the website

Advertising flyer for the “Sommer Flotte” 2019