Living Lab
Future for Neu-Hohenschönhausen
Platform for Urban Exchange
In the founding phase, StadtManufaktur selected a large housing estate in the north-east of Berlin as an example and worked on future designs for Neu-Hohenschönhausen in close cooperation with the municipal housing association HOWOGE and a student course.
Berlin’s growth and the climate change are associated with many challenges, some of which are reflected in the competition for increasingly scarce space. In order to visualise relevant aspects and interrelationships for the respective planning context and to make them discussable with a wide range of actors, tools were developed that can be used in the future in the preparation and support of transformation processes.
On the one hand, a digitally supported spatial model of the settlement was produced for this purpose, on which various scenarios can be visualised (“Platform for Urban Exchange”). With the topic “Last Mile – New Neighbourhood”, a student project designed mobility-oriented images of the future for the year 2040. At the same time, scenarios were visualised through the systematic interweaving of housing and mobility data, which are helpful, for example, as a basis for planning public transport.
On the other hand, work focus lied on the visualisation of actor constellations by means of constellation analysis. Shaping transformation processes in a forward-looking way requires a high degree of complexity and is often associated with conflicting goals and obstacles. Identifying these by making the complex interrelationships visible is an essential step in order to enter into an exchange with a wide range of actors and to work out possible solutions together. The tools form an exemplary basis for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work with residents, housing companies, administration and other locally relevant actors on the sustainable transformation of the neighbourhood.
Thematic approaches:
#mobility #big data #post-densification
Spatial approaches:
Prof. Helena Milhaljevic – Analytics and Big Data, HTW Berlin.
Prof. Max von Grafenstein – Digital Communication & Self-Determination, UdK Berlin
Dr. Gabriele Wendorf – Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft, TU Berlin
Prof. Jochen Rabe – Einsteincenter Digital Future, TU Berlin

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