In this section we regularly publish information on ongoing event formats, on current and planned experiments and formats, on joint action, on relevant calls for proposals, announcements and project developments. Take a look and join in!
18 February 2021: Digital symposium “The #Reallaboratory Challenge
Conference of StadtManufaktur Berlin with Karlsruhe Transformation Centre (KIT) and Wuppertal Institute (WI). With this event, we would like to take up current discourses on reallaboratory work, exchange ideas and develop them further.
Event on 7.12.20: Hybrid Futures
News from our My Co-Place #Circular Economy reallab: Vera Meyer and Sven Pfeiffer discuss mushrooms as building materials and related futures.
New temporary city square
Experiment by the EXPERI reallaboratory: A new city square will be created at Klausener Platz in Charlottenburg from the end of September to 1 November 2020.
Summer School: Data Driven Urban Innovation @CITYLAB Berlin
We are participating in the CityLab Berlin Summer School, which will take place from 16 to 29 September 2020. There will be exciting formats to participate in - be there!