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So far Anja Steglich has created 88 blog entries.

Blue-green climate modules for the city


The BMBF-funded joint project GartenLeistungen is entering its second phase. In 2020-2021, vertical hydroponic farms in combination with local water recycling for local food production were set up in Berlin-Mitte and Berlin-Wedding in the TU Real Lab Mobile Blue-Green Infrastructure. In the second phase, further prototypes will now be implemented and consolidated.

Blue-green climate modules for the city2023-03-21T12:47:48+01:00

Climate protection on the TU campus!


The ClimateHOOD CampusPARK Charlottenburg project has started! The Charlottenburg district office and the TU-StadtManufaktur solicited funds from the programme "Adaptation of Urban Spaces to Climate Change" of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction. Over the next three years, measures for the development of the sponge city Berlin will be implemented and invite participation.

Climate protection on the TU campus!2023-03-21T12:44:03+01:00

Manifesto of the free street


With the Manifesto of the Free Street, paper planes e.V. and its research partners WZB and TU Berlin publish a scientifically based vision of how cities could look and function with far fewer cars. The manifesto is now available in German and English in international bookstores.

Manifesto of the free street2023-03-21T12:39:24+01:00

Berlin Project Fund Urban Practice


After a successful pilot phase in 2021, the Berlin Project Fund Urban Practice is again funding artistic projects with 1.2 million euros this year. The call for proposals begins on 12 December 2022 and ends on 15 January 2023.

Berlin Project Fund Urban Practice2023-03-21T12:37:27+01:00



Currently, an "Allesandersplatz" is being developed as a counter-design to Alexanderplatz with the model project Haus der Statistik since 2019: a neighbourhood oriented towards the common good based on the participation of the interested urban society. There is an open call for collective research until 12 December.


The future is when houses make the climate and the city becomes edible!


As part of Science Week, Berlin's Future Places will be showing important contributions from research and practice to shaping climate change in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region on Climate Day on 08.11.22. Impulsvorträge, Podiumsdiskussion und Projektmesse gestalten diesen Tag und es können Menschen ins Gespräch kommen, die sich für Fragestellungen und Lösungen zur Gestaltung des Klimawandels interessieren und/oder sich aktiv einbringen wollen.

The future is when houses make the climate and the city becomes edible!2023-03-21T12:32:11+01:00

EXPERI conference


The interdisciplinary junior research group EXPERI invites stakeholders from research, administration, urban and mobility planning, civil society and business to the symposium: "Verkehrswende: Rethinking Urban Space" on 6 and 7 October 2022 in Berlin. First interim results will be presented on the topic of land allocation and redesign. Successfully implementing the traffic turnaround also means rethinking and redistributing the scarce resource of public space.

EXPERI conference2023-03-21T12:30:22+01:00

Next Grand Challenge – BUA Calling


Together with young people, researchers and students, the Berlin University Alliance team is currently looking for the Next Grand Challenge - a global challenge on which scientists from various disciplines will then conduct research. Together, they will shape the research priorities in Berlin! The Berlin University Alliance (BUA) - an alliance of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin - cordially invites young people to join in!

Next Grand Challenge – BUA Calling2023-03-21T12:27:11+01:00
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