News: Dates
Event on 7.12.20: Hybrid Futures
News from our My Co-Place #Circular Economy reallab: Vera Meyer and Sven Pfeiffer discuss mushrooms as building materials and related futures.
New temporary city square
Experiment by the EXPERI reallaboratory: A new city square will be created at Klausener Platz in Charlottenburg from the end of September to 1 November 2020.
Summer School: Data Driven Urban Innovation @CITYLAB Berlin
We are participating in the CityLab Berlin Summer School, which will take place from 16 to 29 September 2020. There will be exciting formats to participate in - be there!
Real-lab workshop: Shower-Tower 61
The Blue-Green Infrastructures (BGI) reallaboratory invites you to jointly inaugurate their freshly built Shower Tower 61, which is powered by shower water, on 07.07.2020.