In this section we regularly publish information on ongoing event formats, on current and planned experiments and formats, on joint action, on relevant calls for proposals, announcements and project developments. Take a look and join in!
Real Lab Workshop Mobile Blue-Green Infrastructure
The team of Grün Berlin, TU Berlin and Partner:innnen in the project GartenLeistungen invites you to join in on 14.07.2020 from 5 - 8 pm!
The Climate Art Lab at the ZK/U starts in June
The climate art lab in Moabit is still looking for participants for the workshops in summer 2021. The workshops start on 11 June.
Reallabor-Lunch: The MobiliSta Reallabor introduces itself
The "Reallabor Challenge Symposium" was the start of a regular series of events called "Reallabor Lunch" together with the Reallabor Network. On 28.04. 2021, 12 - 13.30 hrs, the MobiliSta reallab presents itself.
Concern for the stock. Ten strategies for architecture. Exhibition at the DAZ.
In ten strategies, architects and urbanists present their concern for the existing buildings in an exhibition.