News: Living Labs2021-09-16T17:26:46+02:00

News: Living Labs

Blue-green climate modules for the city

21. March 2023|Blue-green infrastructures, Living Labs|

The BMBF-funded joint project GartenLeistungen is entering its second phase. In 2020-2021, vertical hydroponic farms in combination with local water recycling for local food production were set up in Berlin-Mitte and Berlin-Wedding in the TU Real Lab Mobile Blue-Green Infrastructure. In the second phase, further prototypes will now be implemented and consolidated.

Manifesto of the free street

21. March 2023|Dates, Living Labs, Research|

With the Manifesto of the Free Street, paper planes e.V. and its research partners WZB and TU Berlin publish a scientifically based vision of how cities could look and function with far fewer cars. The manifesto is now available in German and English in international bookstores.


21. March 2023|Dates, Living Labs, Research|

Currently, an "Allesandersplatz" is being developed as a counter-design to Alexanderplatz with the model project Haus der Statistik since 2019: a neighbourhood oriented towards the common good based on the participation of the interested urban society. There is an open call for collective research until 12 December.

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